Phone: 01263 514642 Mobile: 07757 157013 Email:
Frequently Asked Questions
• Does Grief Recovery only apply to bereavement?
No! We can face all kinds of loss during our lives. Some are obvious such as death of a family member or friend, others may be loss of relationships e.g. divorce/separation, health, jobs, faith, belief, or loss of a home. One bereavement which can often surprise us by its intensity is that of losing our pets. It can be one which other people handle most badly – “just get another” . Yes, you might in the future but now you are missing your friend.
• Will I be on my own?
Grief Recovery can be offered in small groups or one to one. As a qualified Grief Recovery Specialist I will guide you through all the steps. I commit to complete confidentiality in our sessions so you can speak openly and freely and with full trust in the process. I also promise that I will work with you with respect and dignity, without interruption, analysis, criticism, or judgment.
• How soon after a loss should I contact you?
When you feel you need to. You can experience the effects of unresolved grief anywhere from shortly after your loss to years later, so there's no particular right and wrong timescale. I have worked successfully with people on losses they have experienced 20, 30 or 40 years after the event. If you believe you could do with some help, contact me and we can go from there.
"It has made a huge difference, in giving me the tools to work with and have a better understanding of how to deal with loss.
"I feel that I can now move forward and the programme has enabled me to do that."
Learning to deal with the pain of Loss and Grief....The Grief Recovery Method®
Now you are reading this, there is every chance that your heart is aching as the result of a bereavement or other loss - you know you need help but you are not sure what to do next. The good news is that there is a way forward.
The Grief Recovery programme provides you with structured steps to help you move through this pain and back to a happier and more fulfilling life. You are not ‘broken ’ and you do not need ‘fixing ’ – you simply have not had the right tools to address the pain you are feeling.
Grief Recovery provides you with a powerful and accessible series of steps. Unresolved grief is powerful and pervasive and the Grief Recovery Method® needs you to be emotionally honest and committed to the process. I will support and help you move on with your life if you are serious about making a commitment to yourself.
Grief Recovery programmes have been running for more than 35 years and have helped thousands of people.
"I am now able to understand the feelings that my losses have brought to my life, and using the Grief Recovery tools I have learned, to manage them in a positive way."
• How long does it take?
The one to one programme lasts for a total of 7 or 8 sessions (6 for pet loss), each one lasting up to one and a half hours. There will be tasks for you to complete on your own between each session, the work usually taking up to an hour. Normally we aim to meet weekly.
• Is it counselling? No - it is not counselling or therapy. In order to resolve grief we need to not only understand what we feel and why we feel it, and also take active steps to recover and move forward. A Grief Recovery programme helps us to understand the myths we all learn about grief and grieving. It then provides us with a series of active achievable steps we can take to move beyond our pain to a positive future.
"The process is easy to follow and had a natural flow. Having someone supporting you through it really helps. I would recommend anyone considering it to get in contact with Simon and learn more about what is involved."
• What do I need to do in the process?
The programme is powerful, clear and easily accessible and it will make emotional demands of you – this is an essential element in moving beyond the pain you are experiencing and also why it is important to have my active support and guidance as your Grief Recovery Specialist. The programme is not just talking about your experiences, but taking active steps to address them – that is what makes it so effective.
• How much does it cost?
The cost for the seven session one to one programme is £490.00 (the fee may vary according to location - travel and room hire costs) This includes the cost of the Grief Recovery Handbook, which we will use to support and guide your journey. Please contact me for details of other programmes, including divorce, separation and pet loss.
• Where can I complete the programme?
I will arrange a venue to meet - I do not see people at their homes as we need to have a 'neutral' setting. I am based in North Norfolk, but it may be possible to meet elsewhere in the County.
"It’s helped me understand that when someone dies, it doesn’t end the relationship. It’s made me realise that I was fixated on how the person died, not the relationship I had with them."
I needed to be honest with myself about what I was really feeling, so I know how difficult it can be to reach out and make that first call – and also how important it is. I know that the Grief Recovery approach works because of my own experience and the fact that I have been privileged enough to support and work alongside other grievers in one to one programmes.
Since 1987, when I qualified as a Probation Officer and Social Worker, I have been working with individuals and organisations to help them develop and grow professionally and personally. I also work as a volunteer with bereaved children and their parents and carers on therapeutic weekends with a Norfolk charity. I am committed to increasing my own skills and knowledge and am qualified in nonverbal communications, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy/ Hypnotherapy, Personality Type assessment and Mediation.
• Does it work?
Yes! In addition to the numerous personal accounts (some on this site), there is also scientific research to support the true effectiveness of Grief Recovery.
Dr Rachael D. Nolan and Dr Jeffery S. Hallam of Kent State University (Ohio, USA) conducted research and published two scholarly articles in the American Journal of Health Education: "The GRM programme is an evidence-informed, practice-based program that has been shown to effectively influence components of grief and grief recovery.”
About Simon
I came to Grief Recovery following several losses of my own and the feeling that I was ‘stuck’ with my grief which was affecting other aspects of my life. I found that Grief Recovery helped me to understand the source of my pain and to finally move beyond this. I trained as a Specialist in order to help other people also move forward through their losses and unresolved grief.
For me, the most difficult parts of the process were firstly admitting that I needed help and then in finding an approach that would actually work.
Next Steps
No matter how recent or long ago your loss, if you want to take the first steps away from pain and towards renewed happiness, please contact me and I can tell you more:
Phone: 01263 514642
Mobile: 07757 157013
© Simon Arthur 2023